muddy|muddied|muddies|muddying in English


[mud·dy || 'mʌdɪ]

make dirty with mud, cover in mud; cloud, make impure; confuse the issue, make unclea

Use "muddy|muddied|muddies|muddying" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "muddy|muddied|muddies|muddying" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "muddy|muddied|muddies|muddying", or refer to the context using the word "muddy|muddied|muddies|muddying" in the English Dictionary.

1. So he muddies the water.

2. That's when the patterns muddied.

3. The storm muddied the fields.

4. She had muddied her white dress.

5. The rain muddied my nice new suede boots.

6. Industrial activity has muddied the river.

7. Overseas the legal issues are more muddied.

8. The first blow muddied his head.

9. These data would have muddied the prediction.

10. Certain muddied ideas found currency among many people.

11. His new grey jacket was torn and muddied.

12. Her own parents had muddied those waters irremediably.

13. The issue is muddied by the politics of war.

14. Synonyms for Befouls include dirties, soils, stains, fouls, muddies, blackens, smudges, sullies, begrimes and daubs

15. Synonyms for Bemires include soils, stains, daubs, dirties, mucks, muddies, sullies, befouls, besmirches and fouls

16. Don't get your shoes muddy!

17. Don't muddy your new shoes.

18. The muddy water cleared slowly.

19. He is not muddy —yet.

20. The muddy water slowly cleared.

21. The muddy roads impede our journey.

22. Synonyms for Bemiring include soiling, staining, daubing, dirtying, mucking, muddying, sullying, befouling, besmirching and fouling

23. Synonyms for Bespattering include spattering, splattering, splashing, muddying, smearing, bedaubing, befouling, begriming, flecking and marking

24. Synonyms for Beclouds include obscures, muddies, confuses, obfuscates, blurs, clouds, confounds, mystifies, perplexes and puzzles

25. Synonyms for Befouling include dirtying, soiling, staining, fouling, muddying, blackening, smudging, sullying, begriming and daubing